Development and professional training inside the company
1.- Take place in our survey
Please take a moment to complete this brief survey. Provided information will be used to improve your professional trainig necessities.

Your answers will be treated confidentialy and we shall not be used for any purpose other than research taked by [COMPANY NAME].

This survey will take about 5 minutes to complete it.
1. Generally speaking, which is your satisfaction degree with the professional training received from [COMPANY NAME] for your position?
2. Please, value your degree of agreement or desagreement with the next afrimations:
 Totally agreeAgreeNeither agree nor disagreeDisagreeTotaly disagree
I can apply the training received in my diary work
I have developed new skills thank to the formation received
I have the opportunity to develop professionally inside the company
The company gives me the opportunity to take the initiative of developing professionaly
3. This are the areas you are interested for your profesional development in the next two years. no es responsable de ningún contenido enviado y/o incluido en esta encuesta/examen.

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