Internal Training and Professional Development Survey
1.- Participate in Our Survey
Please take a moment to complete this brief survey. The information you provide will be used to improve training and professional development in the future. Your answers will be treated confidentialy and will not be used for any purpose other than this study.
1. Generally speaking, what is your satisfaction level with the training [COMPANY NAME] gave you for your position?
2. Please, rate your level of agreement or disagreement with the following statements:
 Totally agreeAgreeNeutralDisagreeTotally disagree
I have developed new skills from the training I received
I can apply the training received to my dialy work
I feel I can develop professionally within the company
The company provides professional development outlets for employees
3. Please indicate the areas you would like to receive training in over the next two years: is not responsible for the content sent and/or included in a survey/exam.

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