Dating someone who travels alot
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Does dating someone onlinewho travels for work put added pressure on a relationship? The answer is different for everyone.
If you independent most likely you can deal with someone traveling for business. You have your own career and life to focus on. The time sent together is precise and you make the most of it. The bottom line is you are able to create your own schedule and not sit around wondering when you will see your partner next.
On the other hand there are some people who can’t deal with separation. They have a tendency to put all their focus on their partner. They feel lost without them. This is a major sign that you need to do some work on yourself. We can not rely on one person to make our lives meaningful and secure. We think the person will save us from our own personal demons that do not allow us to be independent. When I was younger I had major abandonment issues that always surfaced when I was in a relationship. The man would become my main focus and I was only happy when I was with them. I knew it was a problem and the pressure on my boyfriend at the time was way too much. Through my own self exploration was I able to work on my own issues and get resolution to how I was feeling.
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